Aim & Context  

Data Science Pathways to Re-imagine education is a project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme (2014-2020)

On October 12th- 13th, 2016, representatives of several European companies, including industries, research centers and universities, met in Italy to give the official start to DA.RE., the project cofunded by Erasmus+ programme promoted by the European Commission.

Big Data and excellence in training, employment growth and jobs of the future. These are the issues addressed by DA.RE., the project that straddles the new paradigm of knowledge: in a world where the digital revolution walks side by side to the training and employment revolution, the future of the work is more and more knowledge and less and less factory.

In the last decade, the amount of available data grew exponentially, introducing the concept of Big Data. This term defines the complex flux of data, continuously produced by many technological agents: social media, Internet of Things, transaction-based data, increasing amounts of sensors, machine-to-machine interaction, RFID tags, smart meters.

The demand for data experts, namely Data Scientist, has grown twelve-fold over the last twenty years. The Economist has even labeled it as the “sexiest job of the 21st century”.

Big Data, considered as the fourth paradigm of science, represents a valuable resource that, just like oil did in the wake of 1900, is going to drive economies in the next century.

However, finding trained professionals, capable of transforming huge datasets into significant information, seems to be quite difficult for enterprises. The good news is that this apparent issue opens up countless possibilities for employment.

DA.RE. project intends to give a significant contribution in the reform of teaching and governance, bridging the gap between HEIs and the business sector, in order to enhance the functioning of the “knowledge triangle”.

   Consortium and duration    


ERASMUS+ 2014/2020

KA2 HEI Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnership for higher-education



September 2016 - August 2019



AEA s.r.l. (Loccioni Group)- Italy
Università degli Studi di Camerino - Italy


Maisis - Information Systems Lda - Portugal

The Open University - United Kingdom
Abelium Doo Raziskave in Razvoj - Slovenia

Univerza na Primorskem - Università del Litorale - Slovenia

Instituto Politécnico de Braganca - Portugal

Vision Scientific Ltd - United Kingdom

eConsulenza Agency - Italy

Associazione Industriali della Provincia di Ancona – Italy

    More info about DA.RE Project     








Agosto 2019

   The 3rd Intellectual Output  named “Model and Recommendations for a Data Science Curriculum” is ready and is available for download at our Da.Re. website

Giugno 2019

Completata la seconda fase con la realizzazione del secondo Intellectual Output/I.O2. L'Output, denominato "Handbook of Data Science", è una raccolta di tutto il percorso di training connesso ai Big Data e Data Sciences ed all'esperienza derivata dal corso organizzato + scuola residenziale/Mobility con i cases studies (aprile 2019).

17 Maggio 2019

Da.Re Project

Ancona - Marketplace DAY - Confindustria Marche

In occasione dell'evento Marketplace DAY - il principale evento di networking dell'Italia Centrale, che mette in relazione tutti gli stakeholder del territorio oggi protagonisti della sfida Industria 4.0 - ha avuto luogo la presentazione dei risultati del progetto Erasmus+ "Da.Re - DATA SCIENCE PATHWAYS".


1 Aprile 2019

Il "Da.Re." EU Project ha dato il via alla Residential School! Loccioni, Università di Camerino e Confindustria Marche hanno organizzato nelle Marche la Mobilità in Italia - Fundamentals of Data Science and Application. Si tratta di un percorso formativo di 150 ore, utile per acquisire le conoscenze volte alla gestione e trasformazione in fatturato dei dati aziendali. I partecipanti provengono da 8 Paesi EU diversi, e sono stati divisi in 4 gruppi per affrontare 4 diversi case-studies reali.


Il partenariato del progetto “Data Science Pathways to Re-imagine education - DA.RE (promosso dal Gruppo Loccioni e dall’Università di Camerino), cofinanziato dal programma ERASMUS+ 2014/2020, ha terminato i lavori del primo anno ed il primo Intellectual Output è stato pubblicato e reso pubblico sul sito europeo del progetto:

NB: si progetta un percorso sperimentale per i futuri professionisti dei Big Data!

The project has developed a training path: the Pilot Course for Data Scientist, designed as result of the huge research activities of the Da.Re. Project, is shaped as a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course, lasting for 80 hours for professionals and students ) and in part (70 hours) of face-to-face learning and practical experience organized in Italy at the end of 2018, for a selected group of them.

The course is free. The first MOOC for the online part of the Pilot has already been launched, do not miss the chance ... APPLY NOW HERE!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Contract no. 2016-1-IT02-KA203-024645 - KA2 HEI